Fake news on the US Senate website tries to influence the Brazilian Presidential Election

US Senators Kaine and Sanders published fake news on the US Senate website.

The alleged “call to war” in case the on-going Brazilian presidential elections do not have a positive outcome for the current president, Bolsonaro, is an amazing case of fake news. The current president, who is running for re-election, has repeatedly stated that he is going to respect the result of the elections, whatever the result is.

The excerpt below is from the official site of the US Senate. President Bolsonaro has repeatedly stated that the results of the Brazilian elections on October 30th will be respected.

Are we facing blunt fake news on an official site of the USA Congress?

U.S. Senators Tim Kaine (D-VA) the Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere, and Bernie Sanders (I-VT) released the following statements after their resolution supporting democratic institutions in Brazil was passed by the Senate. The move comes amid Brazilians’ fears that the results of next week’s general election could be undermined by President Bolsonaro, who is down in the polls and has told his base to “go to war” if the election is “stolen.” Source https://www.kaine.senate.gov/press-releases/kaine-and-sanders-statements-on-passage-of-resolution-in-support-of-brazilian-democracy-ahead-of-october-election

What is behind this piece of fake news?

(exerpt from the US Senate website)

What are the real interests these senators are defending? Certainly not in the best interests of US citizens.

The US Senate must be very worried about the reasons behind the publication of this piece of fake news. Who are the lobbists that influenced the senators to publish this fake news? Where do the funds from these lobbists come from? Do the senators ignore the close links between Lula and the Russian Communist Party? Source http://duma.gov.ru/en/news/45218/

Do the senators ignore the fact that under Lula and Dilma, stock exchange investors were stolen? Lula is trying to be president again. He pulled the strings to become a candidate even though he had faced prison and had been an inmate.

Do the senators ignore the fact that Petrobras, the Brazilian oil public company, has been more lucrative than ever and that US stock exchange investors have benefited from this?

Under Bolsonaro’s rule, Petrobras has come to an agreement with the stock exchange investors who lost huge amounts of money because of the very well-known and documented corruption perpetraded by Lula and members of the Labor Party he is the founder of.

The billionaire agreement can be found at the following link: https://www.skadden.com/-/media/files/publications/2020/01/ericsson-agrees-to-pay-over-usd-1-billion/fn3.pdf


The US public must be aware of Senators Kaine and Sander’s movements, and there should at least be an investigation into the lobbists behind the publication of this piece of fake news on the US Senate website.

Sobre Luciano Medina Martins

Journalist, blogger, activist against the abuses of states that violate citizens' rights. I don't write about one only topic, I like to interact with many different issues. No fake news here.
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